The Texas Tech Bullet Advertising Team competes every year in the National Student Advertising Competition (NSAC). Universities and colleges across the nation are given the same client and case brief to create a campaign that meets the brand’s needs. This year, our client was Indeed, the job searching site. This is our research back creative campaign.

*Second Place District Winners, Best Media Plan, Best Creative Big Idea.

These print executions challenge cliché pieces of “advice” often used to belittle our target audience (Gen Z). Personalized edits written over the message demonstrate Gen Z taking control of their own job search allowing them to have more confidence and redefine their future at a personalized pace.

Below are pages from our final book which contains an entire years work from our team. It includes our research, print ads, promotions, media strategy, and our final budget. This book was presented to the judges at competition.

Below are graphics that aided in our campaign from billboards to promotional items.


UTEP Welcomes You

